Saturday, December 29, 2007

Love OCF

Greetings and salutations OCF WA,

How many of you have been on an OCF convention before? Even i haven't. Well, i've managed to obtain some pictures of our OCF friends that enjoyed themselves so much during the camp. Just look at our OCF AUST FAMILY. My challenge to all those whom have gone for OCF convention this year is to share their experiences of your trip to others.

Just look at how happy Lemuel is :)

Next year, OCF convention will be held at Adelaide. i'm not too sure of the details yet but please do consider being part of it!
Have you all been praying for each other lately? The Bible tells us to “pray without ceasing” and “in everything give thanks to the Lord.” I hope that you have been praying without ceasing and if you can't think of anything to pray about, pray that you would attend OCF convention next year! cause i will be praying that you would attend it too!
Oh yeah, on behalf of OCF Perth, we would like to wish OCF WA a Merry Christmas and a happy new year! I know not everyone of us would have celebrated christmas or new year together but i pray that we have remembered our brothers and sisters in christ during this festive season and have kept them in prayer.